

Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries on earth, being a territory of huge importancefor nature conservation and tourism. However, faces one of the most serious problems on our planet, wildlife trafficking, motivated by scientific purposes, commercialization of skins,

Volunteers will be living in Cloud Forest Santa Lucia which is surrounded by dense cloud forest with a community that has developed a sustainable way of living off the land. The Cloud Forest is one of Ecuador’s most important ecosystems

Volunteers will be living with an indigenous Cañarí Tribe called Nizag Community who are made up of direct descendants of the Incas. This community is nestled in the Andes in a valley called Nizag next to the “Nariz del Diablo”

The Galapagos Islands were declared as the heritage of humanity by the UN, around 40 years ago, and is a one of a kind place in the planet where 98% of its territory is a protected area, where species have

This Open Tour into the Amazon Rainforest takes you to a pristine area of the Yasuní National Park — a region which has the highest concentration of floral and faunal species anywhere in the world, located at the confluence between