
Animal Rescue Center Puyo

Volunteers will be working inside the best Animal Rescue Center Puyo that helps rehabilitate endangered animals rescued from deforested land and from the black market in animal trafficking.

Why This Volunteer Work Project is Important

This Animal Rescue Center Puyo runs one of the most successful breeding and rehabilitation programs in Latin America for endangered wildlife that have been displaced due to deforestation and other rare and exotic animals that have been rescued by police from the cruel multi billion dollar black market animal trade. The rescued animals are free to life safely without fear of poachers and bulldozers on the 53 hectare of pristine rainforest on the Animal Rescue Centers property.

The Volunteer Perfect for this Program

– Is a biologist, veterinarian, carpenter, or anyone passionate about the protection of Endangered Animals.
– Is interested in breeding and conservation programs for wild animals.
– Speaks basic Spanish
– Is eager to get their hands dirty
– has good physical endurance

Typical Day Volunteering

Volunteers will be working deep inside the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest helping to care for animals that live in the property like cheeky clown monkeys, elusive spider monkeys, timid wooly monkeys, as well as other endangered animals like the possum and tapir, rare and exotic birds, snakes, alligators, and frogs. But the center is also working closely to the community and is going to fight against the oil companies that are interested in their lands.
Read this to make sure you have realistic expectations in the Animal Rescue Center Puyo

Volunteer Tasks

– Feeding and helping to rehabilitate the animals before they are released
– Cleaning the cages and keeping the center tidy
– Translating for International Visitors
– Teaching children in local school the importance of environmental awareness
*Please take lots of photos of insects to increase the Animal Rescue Centers database research catalogue.

Volunteer Expectations

-Volunteers will be volunteering between Monday to Friday with weekends free for leisure time or travel around Ecuador.
-Apt to simple living
-Able to be self sufficient
-Volunteers must bring their own food to the community. There will be a kitchen provided on site.


– $485 USD per month
– $435 USD three weeks
– $350 USD two weeks
– $285 USD one week

Price Includes

* Day 1: Airport pickup and first nights accommodation in Quito
* Day 2: Transfer to orientation in Riobamba / home stay
* Training and Support
* Work Reference / Volunteer Certificate
* Contribution to the community
* Volunteers also receive discounts on Mountain Climbing and Trekking Expeditions.

Minimum Time Spent Volunteering

– 2 week minimum
(Maximum 4 Volunteers at a Time)

Contact us for more information: