
Wildlife Rescue Center

The Wildlife Rescue Center for wild animals project started in the beginning of 2015 on the Ecuadorian coast close to Portoviejo in the province of Manabi. It’s located in a half humid forest, in a rural community. Created by a Colombian biologist Viviana Gonzalez, a french animal keeper Franck Poirier, a veterinary specialized in wildlife Carlos Solorzano and an engineer in agronomy Vanessa Salazar, the center receives wild animals caught by the police and the environment ministry as pets or seized back from illegal traffickers. Some other animals are found hurt in the wild.

Why This Volunteer Work Project is Important

The center works with few species of monkeys, parrots, wild cats, reptiles and more.The main objective is to release the animals back to the wild when it’s possible.Twice a year the center makes a trip in Amazon to transfer to amazonian animals which have been trafficked illegally previously.
Since the beginning, the center released a group of 8 hawler monkeys on his land, some birds, parrots and others animals (squirrels, armadillos,…) and wild cats in protected areas.It’s not a touristic place, the center will only receive volunteers who want to help, and scientists who want to investigate about wildlife.

The Volunteer Perfect for this Program

– People who are passionate about conservation
– People with english skills and a good level of spanish
– Biologists, veterinarians, sustainable development, agriculture, wildlife students, professors.

Volunteer Tasks

The preparation and distribution of the food to the animals
Observation of different species during the rehabilitation process
Cleaning cages and technical areas, landscaping
Fruit picking
And others activities depending the needs on the moment.

Volunteer Expectations

-Volunteers will be volunteering between Monday to Friday with weekends free for leisure time or travel around Ecuador.
-Apt to simple living
-Able to be self sufficient


– 2 Weeks (No Weekend Out) $385 USD
– 3 Weeks (1 Weekend Out) $485 USD
– 4 Weeks (2 Weekends Out) $585 USD
*The full payment must be made 2 months before the program starts.

Price Includes

* Day 1: Airport pickup and first nights accommodation in Quito
* Day 2: Transfer to orientation in Riobamba / home stay
* 3 meals per day at the center
* Laundry
* Training and Support
* Work Reference / Volunteer Certificate
* Contribution to the community
* Volunteers also receive discounts on Mountain Climbing and Trekking Expeditions.

Minimum Time Spent Volunteering

– 2 week minimum
(Maximum 4 Volunteers at a Time)

Contact us for more information: