
Our Short Term Volunteer Packages run for 9 weeks where Volunteers can choose three different programs for three weeks each. We suggest that you check out Ecuadors amazing biodiversity by choosing one program from each of the regions in the country: the Andes, Amazon, and Coast. Enjoy Ecuador choosing our Volunteer Packages.
Price per Package
– $750 USD for 9 weeks
To separate your space a $150 deposit is required, you’ll pay 200$ directly to the responsible of each projects your first day of each program.
For Example:
– Three Weeks on one Volunteer Work program on the Coast
(Excluding Galapagos, Wildlife Rescue Centre)
– Three weeks on one Volunteer Work program in the Amazon
(Exluding Monkey Island, Yasuni)
– Three weeks on one Volunteer Work program in the Andes
(Exluding Santa Lucia Cloud Forest Conservation)
However, if you wish to Volunteer with us on different programs (including Galapagos, Yasuni and Marine Rehabilitation Center), we will make a symbolic discount of 25% on the total Registration fees.
Price Includes:
– Discounts on our ecological sustainable trips at Ecuador Eco Adventure
You want to make a change? Reserve your space contacting us!
Or do you have any questions? Contact us! Use the contact form below or email us