
Waorani Amazon Experience

The Waorani, translated as “humans” are an Amazonian nationality in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Living a simple life and harmoniously with the jungle is currently being put to threat while their ancestral lands are in great danger to oil production, and logging. The Waoroni are known for their expert hunting skills as well of their extensive knowledge of animals and medicinal plants in the jungle. Volunteers will be living with the community of Tiguino, which is located 2 hours from the main city of Coca.

Waorani Amazon Experience

per person
Waorani Amazon Experience

This Waoroni Tribe has decided to partake in ecotourism and receive visitors to create a sustainable source of income for the community. Volunteers help them with this initiative to create a harmonious life within the jungle.

The Huaorani tribe is one of the last tribes to not have adopted the westernized ways of living, most still live unclothed and some have even decided to be uncontacted like the Taeromenani.
Our goal is to incentivize the cultural exchange between the tribe and the outer world, only with tribes open to receive visitors.

Ask us how to get a discount on Climbing Cotopaxi and Climbing Chimborazo.

Waorani Amazon Experience – Volunteer Activities

The perfect candidate for his program should be a person who is self motivated, and wants to help in as many things as possible, like fishing, building, teaching English, agriculture and more, candidates have to be self motivated since the waoranies live on their own pace. Activities consist only in every day living essentials, like gathering food and making handcrafts and some natural medicine.

Typical Day Volunteering

Volunteers will live in a tent inside a traditional amazon bungalow, built by the waoranies, there will be a kitchen and bathroom for volunteers, as well as a close by a community with stores and schools where volunteers can continue helping.

All of our volunteers are also eligible to discounts in our Ecuador Adventure Tours – ask our manager about special deals you can have while you volunteer.

Volunteer Expectations

  • Is passionate about the environment and community relations.
  • Has a positive and open mind
  • Able to live in rustic conditions (No electricity)
  • Able to be self sufficient and open to communicate
  • Able to cook their own food over a fire (volunteers must bring their own food)


  • Volunteers arrival on Sunday morning in Coca and take a bus to the community on Monday
  • The Waorni project director Patricio will meet volunteers in Coca to assist their journey to the community
  • Work Monday to Friday (weekends are free to travel)


  • Rustic living space (tents are welcome)
Volunteer Contribution

The volunteer contribution helps hosting the volunteer in the community and goes directly towards materials needed for project activities.

Volunteers, students or researchers looking to stay more 3 months or more are considered long term volunteers and will only have to pay the 1 month collaboration

$265 USD per month

$210 USD three weeks

$150 USD two weeks

$85 USD one week

Volunteer placement deposit

A $200 deposit will be made to EEV in advanced so we can confirm your volunteer placement.


  • 24/7 emergency contact and support from EEV staff, administration costs, communication costs with volunteers and travel costs for program inspection
  • Airport pickup and first nights accommodation in Quito
  • Orientation in Quito
  •  Work Reference / Volunteer Certificate

Price Does Not Include

  • Meals, however food is relatively cheap to buy in the local market in Sucua


For any questions or interest in volunteerig, please fill out the contact form with your information!

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