Finn from the Netherlands’ review on Animal Rescue Center
It is, indeed, a challenge to write a unique entry about the time I had. I struggle to think about what to write, without repeating previous entry’s by saying,’ I did [this], and I loved it’. That, of course, is not a bad thing. Seeing that everyone did something and ‘loved it’ just goes to show how such a diverse selection of people can share the same love, joy and experience.
Ok, introduction over, here is my entry:
I have taken many (literally hundreds) of pictures whilst I have been here. However, amongst the endless amount of smiles and laughter, there is just something about this place that can’t be captured by a camera. What makes this place so special? The animals? This would be the obvious answer.
However, from my experience, it’s the people; Lucero (the mother) is one of the kindest, sweetest types of person I have met. Her love and care for the animals and plants is inspiring. The world could defiantly do with more Luceros.
Medardo (the father) is fantastic. He is one of those people who you cant be around without big smiles and much laughter being present. His passion for bambi is what is needed to help these astonishing animals stay with us on this planet.
David (the son) is brilliant. I often wonder why I get on with kids as good as I do. The conclusion I usually come to is simply; because I am one. This being said, I also have a phone he liked to play on. I will always remember David. He is fearless, funny and a pleasure to be around.arc06
‘What about the animals?!’ I so desperately hear you cry. Well, what is great about the animals is that they all have their own quirks and characters. I could list them all but I simply don’t have the space, time or vocabulary.
I hope the videos I made will, in some way, bring more money to this precious sanctuary. I will truly miss this place and I have no doubt I shall return with better spanish, more people and some good old ‘can-do’ attitude!!
Until next time…